Removing Algae in a Fish Tank – How Is It Done?


Algae in your tank can be a bad thing for your fish and your aquarium. What you want to do is not to get it in the first place. But if you do get algae you want to remove it from your tank. Here is how you get it and especially here is how you can remove it.

How You Get Algae

Algae need three ingredients in order to grow, water, light and nutrients. You cannot do anything about the water but you can control the nutrients and the light.

  • Light – You should know that you never put your aquarium next to a window not only because of the light but also it can heat up the water in the aquarium. In order to control the light I have my light for the aquarium on a twelve-hour timer. This seems to work well in controlling my algae growth.
  • Nutrients - These nutrients come from the uneaten fish flakes that fall to the substrate and decay to phosphate and nitrates. Phosphate and nitrates can also come from the decay of plant material.

How To Get Rid Of Algae

If you do get algae in you tank there are several methods to remove it from your tank:

  1. Live Plants – Place live plants in your aquarium. You should already be using live plants because they do absorb algae, they also make your aquarium look natural and your fish will be happy. When using live plants ensure you trim the dead leaves and stems so you do not create more algae.
  2. Algae Eating Fish - Put some fish in that will eat the algae as it develops. Such fish are usually bottom feeders such as the African Featherfin Catfish (they will also eat the excess fish flakes that fall to the substrate), the common Plecostomus and Siamese Flying Fox.
  3. Water Change Outs – Weekly water change outs of 10% will help remove the algae that are in your aquarium. At he same time you remove the water, vacuum the substrate to remove the fish waste and fish food that decay and create nutrients for the growth of algae.
  4. Lighting – Put your light on a timer so you do not have to remember to turn it off and you won’t leave it on accidentally overnight.


Removing Algae in a Fish Tank – How Is It Done?

Algae should be removed from your tank if it becomes a bother. But the best way to remove it is to not set up conditions for algae growth.

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