Monthly Archives: March 2012

Aquariums – What Lighting To Use For Your Aquarium

Aquariums - What Lighting To Use For Your Aquarium

Introduction Live plants and your fish need to have lighting. Here is the recommended amount of light you need for your aquarium. Sunlight When you set up make sure you do not put it where it is exposed to direct sunlight. The reason is because unless you have blinds and drapes on your windows you

Diseases That You Might Face If You Own a Fish

Diseases That You Might Face If You Own a Fish

Introduction Fish diseases are one thing that you may encounter if you have an aquarium. But you do not have to accept having your fish come down with diseases if you do not stress them out and you maintain a proper water quality. There a many fish diseases that you may encounter with your fish.

How to Tell If Your Fish Are Sick

How to Tell If Your Fish Are Sick

Introduction One of the things us Aquarists always worry about is the health of our fish. With a dog or a cat you can quickly tell if they are sick, but with a fish it is more difficult. But how can you tell if your fish are sick? Diseases There are many different types of

How to Set up a Healthy Goldfish Aquarium

How to Set up a Healthy Goldfish Aquarium

1. Select your tank. A common mistake is putting goldfish in so-called “goldfish bowls,” but bowls simply are not big enough to let a goldfish thrive. For fancy goldfish, aim for 10(at the bare minimum)/15/20 gallons for the first fish, and 10 gallons for each additional fish. For comet goldfish, aim for 55 gallons for

All About Wall Aquariums

All About Wall Aquariums

Home furniture has become more modern and completely advanced nowadays, that you can have electric, automatic fireplaces, modern wall fountains, beds surrounded by a pool of water and now, you even have the option to get wall aquariums if you love fish or you just want pets in your house that don’t run around, make

The Technology Introduced on Aquarium Plants Cultivation

The Technology Introduced on Aquarium Plants Cultivation

If you are in a fish tank cultivation of aquatic plants, then you should choose to extensive management, well-developed root system, and beautiful plants of the plant type, for example: goldfish grass, centipede grass, binata crown of grass, water, chrysanthemum, water bluegrass. The planting of plants commonly used three methods of potted plants, sand plant,

Aquarium – Driftwood In Your Aquarium

Aquarium - Driftwood In Your Aquarium

When you design your aquarium, you want to give it that natural look. Not only for yourself, but to make your fish feel like they are back home in their natural state. Nothing will make your aquarium look more natural and have your fish feel at home than putting driftwood in the tank. Why Driftwood

Aquariums – Why I Have One

Aquariums - Why I Have One

Introduction I had an aquarium when I was a little child and had it full of guppies. Back then I knew very little about managing an aquarium plus there was very little information available on how to establish and maintain an aquarium. But despite my inexperience the guppies survived. Several years ago I studied up

Removing Algae in a Fish Tank – How Is It Done?

Removing Algae in a Fish Tank - How Is It Done?

Introduction Algae in your tank can be a bad thing for your fish and your aquarium. What you want to do is not to get it in the first place. But if you do get algae you want to remove it from your tank. Here is how you get it and especially here is how

You Should be Know Several Problems for Feeding the Goldfish

You Should be Know Several Problems for Feeding the Goldfish

Sun: outdoor fish, in particular, pay attention to changes in temperature in the summer, scaffolding shade, to prevent the temperature is too high and cause the “hot end” of fish diseases, or in the water to support water duckweed and Salvinia natansarrowhead and other water plants can have the role of the shade. Rain: In

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