The Technology Introduced on Aquarium Plants Cultivation

If you are in a fish tank cultivation of aquatic plants, then you should choose to extensive management, well-developed root system, and beautiful plants of the plant type, for example: goldfish grass, centipede grass, binata crown of grass, water, chrysanthemum, water bluegrass. The planting of plants commonly used three methods of potted plants, sand plant, and floating plant.

The potted plant, sand plant suitable for planting crown grass, binata, water, chrysanthemums and other plants take root in the strains of the end, floating hydroponics suitable planting snapdragons, centipede grass, and other minor rooting vine plants.

Potted choose beautifully crafted and pelvic floor have a small porcelain pots of eye, pelvic floor cushion some of the stones, plants planted and then with some small pebbles will suppress into the fish tank can be filled with pots, gently.
Sand planted in a fish bowl Bottom and covered with fine sand about 3cm cleaned and disinfected plants Zairu sand with a small pebble to the root to suppress, prevent washed from the plants due to water changes.
The floating plant is to water plants directly into the fish tank and let it float growth.

The Technology Introduced on Aquarium Plants Cultivation

Plants planted into the cylinder, to strengthen management. First, to give plenty of light. Illumination shall be not less than six hours a day, to the plants using fluorescent lighting is better, a variety of plants can be very good growth, not summer sunlight is too strong and burns leaves. The second is to control the temperature. Maintain the water temperature around 25 ℃, its growth is most favorable, low winter temperature heating measures to be taken. Third, we should pay attention to the density of aquatic plants, the number of planting aquatic plants should be based on cylinder size, an excessive number of easy to squeeze the fish, the space is not conducive to the growth of the fish, and shall promptly clean up.

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