Monthly Archives: July 2011

Anemone fish

Anemone fish

Anemone fishes are also known as clown fish and are the members of the Pomacentridae family and are subfamily of Amphiprioninae or damselfishes. They are a unique type of fishes that live in between the tentacles of sea anemones. They are very much admired by the people because of its striking looks. These types of

Types of Pet Fishes

Types of Pet Fishes

If you’re thinking of getting some pet fishes for your home aquarium, then you should ask a question – what types of fish are easy to keep? Before studying the compatability of the fisehes, you ought to know about the types of fishes. In general pet fishes can be classified into four major types. They

Understanding Home Aquarium

Understanding Home Aquarium

Dogs and cats are no longer the only popular choices in pets anymore; fish are rapidly growing in their popularity. Pet fish care is very easy compared to other animals and fish keepers will attest that there has been a growing demand for such convenient pets in the recent past. However, for people who want

How To Install A Wall Mounted Aquarium?

How To Install A Wall Mounted Aquarium?

Having the universe within the four walls of our houses can transform our homes into a natural paradise. It has the power to infuse tranquility and serenity into the residents of the house. One of the simplest ways of bringing home this enjoyment is though pet fish care. Domesticating animals is known to ease our

Four Basic Aquarium Care Tips for Beginners

Four Basic Aquarium Care Tips for Beginners

With the current types of fishes, which are around 20,000 types, it would take a lot of time to instruct the proper pet fish care for each of them. With this reason, I will only be mentioning the very basic and common in taking care of your fishes and tanks. Unlike furry animal, fishes do

Making an Aquarium Tank

Making an Aquarium Tank

When you’ve decided upon the proportions, you’re ready to begin making your aquarium. It’s a helpful thing to keep in mind that you are able to use either brass or angle iron. Brass is the simpler material to work with; iron will need the use of welding plant. Nevertheless, if iron is preferred, a garage

Angelfish (Pterophyllum Eimekei)

Angelfish (Pterophyllum Eimekei)

Fish Details Name: Angelfish Scientific Name: Pterophyllum Eimekei Average Temperature: 75° F Reproduction: Oviparous Natural Location: Amazon and Guiana The long backward flowing fins of the angel fish give the fish the appearance of a butterfly or bird with outspread wings, as it gracefully swims among the plants. The silver body, overcast with blue, has

Blue Acara (Aequidens Latifrons)

Blue Acara (Aequidens Latifrons)

Fish Details Name: Blue Acara Scientific Name: Aequidens Latifrons Average Temperature: 76° F Reproduction: Oviparous Natural Location: Panama and Colombia One of the very best recognized Cichlids, the blue acara is a prolific breeder and of peaceful disposition. A fully grown blue acara will average 6 inches long and so lots of space should be

Anostomus anostomus

Anostomus anostomus

Overview: The Striped Anostomus is not as common as it once was, but it is still a beautiful addition to your tank. They have been known to nip, so judge accordingly. Quick stats: Listed tank sizes are the minimum Size: Up to 7 inches (20 cm) Tank: 30 inches Strata: Bottom, middle PH: 5.8 to

Peppermint Shrimp Profile

Peppermint Shrimp Profile

Scientific Name: Lysmata wurdemanni. Identification: Peppermint Shrimp are opaque to creamy-clear in color, with red or maroon colored stripes running along the length of the body. Often misidentified or misrepresented and sold as the Camelback Shrimp (Rhynchocienetes uritai), these two species are NOT the same and should not be confused. This is the only TRUE

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