Four Basic Aquarium Care Tips for Beginners

With the current types of fishes, which are around 20,000 types, it would take a lot of time to instruct the proper pet fish care for each of them. With this reason, I will only be mentioning the very basic and common in taking care of your fishes and tanks. Unlike furry animal, fishes do not have any coating for protection that is why water temperature is very important. Always make sure that you have read the manual properly to attain a right water temperature and gravity that is right for your fishers. However, it is very common for goldfishes to have a temperature of 75 degree Fahrenheit and 75 to 80 or 85 degrees Fahrenheit on the other hand for tropical fishes.

It is an important thing to buy along with your aquarium a thermometer and heater for proper monitoring and for your aquarium to cater various types of fishes. Various Questions a beginner may have are listed and answered below.

1. How to measure the water?

The water in your aquarium is measured in pH level. The pH level of the water may vary depending on the type of fish you have. If you wish to take care saltwater fishes, you water pH level can be from 7 up to 8.3. For freshwater fishes on the other hand, you should have 6.8 to 7.2 pH level of water in your aquarium. It is necessary to constantly monitor the water level of your aquarium because if it comes too low, it will be harmful already to the health of your fishes.

2. How much of oxygen is needed for a particular fish?

Just like any other living element in this world, fishes also needs and oxygen in order to survive. The amount of oxygen needed for a particular fish can be immeasurable however; you must provide them enough that will keep them moving. You can provide them with enough oxygen with the help of an oxygen pump, which can be purchased in any fish pet shop store.

3. How to measure the gravity?

Water gravity is also important for the benefit of your fishes. Added chemical to the can be the basis of gravity measurement. If you are to supply your aquarium with unadulterated water, it can result into a gravity level of 1.0. It would be important to know that saltwater fishes can survive on a gravity level of no more than 1.023. However, it is advisable to keep the level at 1.017 to lessen the risk of illnesses. Freshwater fishes on the other hand may benefit when you add some amount of salt to the water. This act particularly reduces stress to your fishes. Test kits are the best tool to help you maintain the right gravity level of your aquarium.

4. How to maintain saltwater fish aquarium?

Four Basic Aquarium Care Tips for Beginners

Maintaining a saltwater fish is hard. Considering that they are marine creatures, their environment is changing constantly. It is important to take note that saltwater fishes also have different behavior just like the freshwater ones. The best example of it is the Damsel, which is an aggressive type of saltwater fish that has having a hard time mating with other fishes. It is also advisable to purchase a larger aquarium if you are planning of caring saltwater fishes for it would be easier in larger aquariums to keep the environment stable. which is an aggressive type of saltwater fish that has having a hard time mating with other fishes. It is also advisable to purchase a larger aquarium if you are planning of caring saltwater fishes for it would be easier in larger aquariums to keep the environment stable.

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