Learn to Properly Feeding Baby Guppy Fish!

Some beginners, unfortunately, think that because a single female will have anywhere from 30 to 60 babies every four weeks they can just raise the baby guppy fish haphazardly and hope for the best.

There are a few tips about the proper baby guppy diet that can help anyone raise healthy adults!

Feed a variety of foods. In nature, fish eat whatever they can find that they can digest. A variety of foods fed to a baby guppy group will mimic this natural instinct.

Choose your foods wisely. Young fish are attracted by foods that move. Their attention is grabbed when flake food floats by. Live foods do this job even better! Fish that are fed live foods have to swim after their meals – developing stronger muscles. Flake foods are still an important aspect of any baby guppy diet though so don’t rely solely on live foods!
Guide to Baby Guppy Fish and Their Growth Rates
Assuming the females and male fish purchased are fully mature when brought home, they should be ready to start pumping out babies in no time flat! Under optimal conditions, female guppy fish can produce a spawn of 40 to 60 babies (also known as fry) every 28 to 32 days.

guppies are live-bearing fish which means the mothers give birth to fish that are already hatched and able to fend for themselves. Guppy fish fry will start looking for foods within minutes. If fed adequately, they can fully mature within 2 to 3 months.

Learn to Properly Feeding Baby Guppy Fish!

By 30 or 40 days of age, this species of fish is able to mate and the males should be separated from females if selected breeding is desired. Fully formed and mature fish can be expected within 2 to 4 months. These fish will have nice flowing fins and full muscle mass! To ensure that your baby guppies develop at a normal rate, feed them a variety of foods several times per day and to change the aquarium water on a weekly basis.
How To Breed Guppy Fish?
The steps is serve as a general guide of producing guppy fish, thus it might not work well if you are breeding show fish.

  • Get a 10 gallons tank.
  • Cycle the tank using fish less cycle to avoid any ammonia or nitrite spikes in future.
  • Add one tablespoon of aquarium salt before cycling begin. (1 tea spoon per 10 gallons if you have a bigger tank)
  • Add some floating plants to the tank this will serve as hiding place for the fry. It served as a good hiding place.
  • Before adding your guppies into the tank, make sure that the water is at the right conditions.
  • Add 1 male to 3 females of guppy fish into the tank. A 10 gallons tank can hold 2 males to 6 females.
  • If you notice most of the females are pregnant, move the males back to their tank.
  • After 1week, move those that are certainly not pregnant back into their own tank.
  • Wait for about 2-3 weeks more.
  • At this point of time, the female stomach will be very large and you will be able to see the eyes of the babies around the gravid spot.
  • Check after few hours to see if the fry is born. Some of the fry might be eaten as not all female guppy fish gave birth at the same times.
  • Feed the fry with powdered flakes.
  • 30-40 percent of water changes is needed per week to keep the water clean.
  • Once the fry reaches a reasonable size, around 1/3 of the adult, you have successfully reproduced guppy fish and can sell them away.

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