The Aquarium Plants Pruning Method

Stem plants pruning

The correct method of pruning of the stems of aquatic plants is a whole grain to trim the plants uprooted, specimens from the first half of the appropriate length from 1 to 1.5 cm of the internode below the cut, give up under the root of aging part, so that plants can metabolism, the plants in good condition and will soon be able to grow roots. Stem plants, the largest root function only in the fixed grip, of course, there are still a part to absorb nutrients, but because the plants whole grain grown in water use stems and leaves directly from the water to obtain nutrients, so do not worry for the half of the president has no root is not good. Trim down the plants is not necessarily back into place, and sometimes can be used to trim the opportunity to change seats, make plants cylinder change freshness.

Did not stem the class plants pruning

The Aquarium Plants Pruning Method

Stem plants outside the plants trimmed as long as the removal of out to the aging yellow leaves. The time of removal should be even petioles removal of clean, if for some growth too vigorous plants to root pruning of action. Directly into the plants roots near the sand will root with scissors cut a part of, this can slow down the growth of aquatic plants, affect the plants grow three factors – light, nutrients and water.

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