Snippets of what to look out for when guppy breeding

So if you’ve been guppy fish breeding for a while or just starting out then you will know you need to cycle your tank if you want healthy male and female guppies.

Not only does the guide show you three methods of cycling your guppy fish aquarium ready for your fish but it also goes into decorating the tank, and because it’s a closed environment it goes into detail on how it should be prepared and maintained for your male guppy and female guppy fish, also it give advice on how to prepare your tank ready for the guppy fry, which will be very important if you intend on breeding them.

Here are some snippets from the three methods within the manual:

You can cycle a new tank with gravel or filtration material that has the beneficial bacteria already established. Make sure that there are no infections or diseases present in the established fish breeding tanks. Put this material in your new tank and let it sit until you get the appropriate readings with a test kit.  Pet stores and aquarium shops may suggest what is called cycling with fish if you don’t already have a tank. What that means is that you purchase your tank, equipment, supplies and decorations.

Set up your tank with everything you have purchased and fill it with water. Let it sit for 24 hours then go get one or two cheap and hardy fish to put in it. These fish are often referred to as starter fish.  Ammonia is one of the things that are created by the fish, not household ammonia, that can sting your eyes from just the fumes, think about what it is doing to the gills of the male guppy and female guppy fish.  Get your tropical fish breeding tank and equipment set up setting the temperature at 80 degrees. Fill the guppies’ fish tank and add some flake fish food. As the food decays it will produce ammonia and allow for the formation and growth of the bacteria colony.

When considering other items like statues, signs, castles and skulls (there is a large variety) keep in mind that ceramic items that were not intended for aquarium use, no matter how aquatic they may look might contain highly toxic chemicals. Shells are frequently bleached and or cleaned with chemicals to remove dirt, odours and bacteria. The same thing applies to rock sold for home decoration. Use caution and be conservative. Remember as well, the more you put in the tank, the more that may eventually need to be cleaned and the harder your tank will be to maintain.

There are some requirements that do need to be met in order to be successful at breeding guppy fish. The location of your aquarium is something to consider. Although it may seem as simple as where it will fit in the room you have chosen there are other factors to consider. It is best to locate an aquarium away from drafts such as windows heat and air vents. This can cause temperature fluctuations that are harmful to the inhabitants of the tank. Sudden and severe changes in the environment are stressful. It is best to keep the tank out of direct sunlight. Sunlight can raise the water temperature and encourage algae growth.

Healthy male and female guppies are important when choosing breeding stock. This is especially true for the female guppy. Since the male guppy is the one that has more colour and fin variety, what your female looks like is not as important. A female that is not colourful who is healthy and of a good size will help to produce strong fry.

Snippets of what to look out for when guppy breeding

If you can locate breeders in your area, you may wish to purchase your own breeding stock from them as they will have guppy breeding tanks. The guppies are more likely to have been well cared for than if they were bred at a pet store. As a breeder you can sell your beautiful, healthy guppies to your local pet stores, to other breeders, and to anyone looking for gorgeous, easy to care for fish.

One Response to Snippets of what to look out for when guppy breeding

  1. melissa says:

    dose anyone know if high altitude effects guppies? i live at 8600 feet and they are dieing i have had the water tested and all is good but every morning there are more dead so i thought maybe it was the altitude

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