Backyard Aquaponics – Get A Freshwater Aquarium


Every one is looking to save money, well you can save money by not buying fertilizer for your plants or vegetable garden. You can have this all by having a backyard aquaponic system.

Well not really in your backyard but in your front room or office. Rather than have an elaborate system that will take up room and not very aesthetic, put in a freshwater aquarium.

They will add value to your home or office and are a good talking point. Plus they are easier to care for.

What is Aquaponics

Aquaponics is a system you install to raise aquatic animals such as snails, fish, shrimp or other such aquatic animals to produce waste and for food. This waste is pumped automatically to feed plants or vegetables and then returned to where the aquatic animals are.

The water that leaves the tank where the animals reside is actually toxic to your aquatic animals if not purified periodically. When the water reaches the plants, the water is purified by the plants who remove the toxic nutrients and is returned to the fish tank as pure freshwater.

The basic function of this type of system is to raise both vegetables and flowers and at the same time raising aquatic animals for consumption.

But you do not need an expensive aquaponics system that you cannot visually enjoy, you can have a freshwater aquarium to provide you free fertilizer for you plants and vegetables.

Home Freshwater Aquarium

Now instead of a bulky and ugly aquaponic system that you will need to keep outside or in your green house, you can get the same benefits and also increase the beauty of your home. The only difference will be the following:

    • Fish – It is not recommended that you eat the fish in your freshwater aquarium. First off they are very small and some may not be very tasty. The second thing is that they will become your pets and surly you do not want to eat your pets.
  • Utilization – The big difference is you will have to manually remove 10% of the water each week to obtain the benefits of the fertilizer in the water. On the other hand an aquaponics system will automatically feed your plants.

Aquarium Water

The water you remove from your aquarium will contain nitrates, phosphates and potassium, all very good elements for your plants and vegetables. But it is not recommended that you use this water if you have added salts or medicines for your fish.


Instead of putting in an unsightly aquaponics system, install a freshwater aquarium which will add beauty and value to your home or office.

Backyard Aquaponics – Get A Freshwater Aquarium

Plus you will save money by making your own fertilizer for your plants and vegetables.

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