About the Goldfish into the Fish Tank

Fish to buy the home, you do not hurry he put the bowl or aquarium.

One, if your family has other fish, then you should just bought Fish and isolation rearing to 23 days in another container, in this two or three days, you have to carefully view of the Liao, look at the fish with or without abnormal , to see whether the damaged fish, white spots, prominence, albuginea, and parasites, some parasites will move hidden, so look carefully. , But be careful to observe the fish and rub the pelvic floor or wipe the pelvic wall. Found that the problem must timely processing, treatment, before and at home when the fish recovered after the original fish co-basin. A variety of fishery drugs in the market now, you described to the boss the Ti symptoms, or look at the fish medicines manual can be purchased, but the proposed purchase of tyranny drugs. Do not buy the cure, those drugs may not be able to cure.

In addition, during the confinement period, the two basins fish do not joint tools, like fish, fishing, straws. To be used separately to prevent cross-infection. If your home no fish. Then figure it out. But also pay attention to the following clause.

About the Goldfish into the Fish Tank

Second, when the fish into the home, whether you are isolated or not isolated or this good. It can be related to the survival of your fish. The first thing to do, not to fish put pots or aquarium, as long as is not your bag Sheng fish acute hypoxia, we must first bag with water octopus together into your pots or aquarium to open the mouth, but can not let the bowl of water into the bag and let the bag across the blisters twenty or thirty minutes, hand try both inside and outside temperature consistent, add the fish Rupen. Put the fish, if people give good water you put in the bag, you can even fish with water slowly poured into the basin or aquarium if the water quality of the bag to your Sheng Hun. Can single-handedly stretched the pocket in one hand and hold the fish gently into the bowl. The aim is to avoid the water temperature difference to the fish you just bought to stimulate. Also considered toss fish from the market to your house is not a light, and then by the temperature difference to stimulate vulnerable to diseases and deaths. Therefore, it is important to note, especially in summer, indoor and outdoor temperature, the novice the most easy to overlook the details.

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