Parrot Fish to Common White Spot Disease and Treatment

White spot disease
White spot disease is highly infectious parasitic disease outside.
Pathogens: More children Ichthyophthirius (parasites). Transmission: Daphnia, sick fish, tropical fish contaminated tool is the No. 1 disease. Tropical fish, goldfish susceptible than the white spot disease, the water temperature fluctuated incentives of the disease, but also beginners often failed. Europe’s first tropical fish farming industry during the rise of the disease in annihilated. Timely detection and early treatment, early isolation, strengthen disinfection, to maintain constant temperature is an effective way to prevent the disease. White spot disease is divided into early, middle and late 3, duration of 5 to 7 days, the period of 2 to 3 days, often caused by a large number of fish will soon die, the mortality rate of up to 60% to 70%.
Symptoms: Early, the fins and body are separate white point, there is loss of appetite, spirit has not changed much. Medium, fins, body full of white spots, no appetite, do not love the activities, rub everywhere, itching, dark color. Late, white spots over the body, the fish float or sink in the water bottom. Fish feeble, vacillating, increase in mucosal surface, difficulty breathing, choking to death.
Treatment: Comprehensive treatment of this disease should only medication is ineffective, strengthen management is very important. 4 to 5 days First indigestion, reduce pollution, to maintain constant temperature, heating temperature than the original 2 ~ 3 ℃ higher is better. The case in the absence of plants may be appropriate dosage, drug sensitivity of various aquatic plants soon withered. Tropical fish commonly used prescription is as follows:

1: Early to invest 0.5% to 1% salt, can be achieved certain results.

2: Early mid used 1 ~ 5ppm of nitrofurazone powder sprinkled the whole box. With a match stick dipped in methylene blue crystalline powder, rinse into the diseased fish box color can have better results.

Parrot Fish to Common White Spot Disease and Treatment

3: Early middle will mercurochrome into the water, can become pink, have a good elimination of pathogenic role, but can not re-use, due to mercury toxic, fish is not easy to be excreted. References prescription 4: mid-late cure of mercury nitrate, but the fish is very sensitive to this drug, could easily lead to death, so under normal circumstances do not use. 90*45*60 (cm) the size of a box to put the mung bean, the drug can not be used repeatedly.

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