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Monthly Archives: September 2011

Top 10 Things You Should Never Do With Your Fish Tank

Top 10 Things You Should Never Do With Your Fish Tank

When you have a fish tank for the first time, you have probably learned how to set it up, how to treat the water, even how to cycle the tank before putting in your fish. But there are other minor things that can become major if you don’t avoid them. These are things that can

How to Use Play Sand in an Aquarium

How to Use Play Sand in an Aquarium

Sand is an excellent substrate for both freshwater and saltwater aquariums, but the price of sand at the local pet store can be quite high. One economical alternative to that overpriced pet store sand is the same play sand your children use in their sandbox. This play sand is sterilized to protect kids from harmful

How to Filter Sand Dust From an Aquarium

How to Filter Sand Dust From an Aquarium

An aquarium contains many different components, including a bed of sand. There are several types of sand available for use in an aquarium. These include blasting sand, play sand and coral sand. Over time, pollutant particles such as dust from the sand and algae will enter the water and need to be removed. This improves

How To Clean A Fish Tank or Aquarium, Remove Algae

How To Clean A Fish Tank or Aquarium, Remove Algae

How To Clean A Fish Tank or Aquarium, Remove Algae, Pet Care Rachel shows you the best way to clean and maintain your aquarium or fish tank the right way. This includes how much of a water change you should do, an easy way to remove algae from the sides of the tank, the use

Breeding Tips – Top 5

Breeding Tips – Top 5

Here are some top tips for breeding fish – short and sweet and to the point. Whatever your reasons are for breeding your fish – maybe just for the pure enjoyment of raising more fish and stocking your tank; or to have extra fish for feeding some larger fish or perhaps to make some profit

The importance of water for discus fish aquarium

The importance of water for discus fish aquarium

When it comes to discus fish care, it can be a quite complicated task to make sure that you fish are happy and healthy and getting everything that they need, discus fish are not really recommended for beginner aquarists but if you would like to give it a try, then there are some important factors

Aquarium Water Changes

aquarium water changes

I just realized I never wrote about that very important aspects of successful fish keeping: water changes. This might be obvious for many of us but it is certainly not for everyone. Yesterday, I received two calls from people looking for an answer to their problems: The first tank wasn’t cycled after 6 months (ho

Salvini Cichlid – Nandopsis Salvini

Salvini Cichlid – Nandopsis Salvini

Species name: Nandopsis Salvini Common names: Salvini Cichlid, Salvin’s Cichlid, Yellow-Bellied Cichlid or Tri-color Cichlid Family: Cichlidae Order: Perciformes Class: Actinopterygii Maximum length: 6 inches Minimum tank size: 50 gallons. Aggressiveness: Semi-aggressive Hardiness: Easy Distribution: Central America Diet: Plankton, Cichlid pellets, flakes, bloodworms, tubifex, small fish, earthworms. Must be fed a variety of live foods

Some tips for discus fish keeping


There are some tips for discus keeping : 1. Stocking capacity: You should be very careful for selecting the number of discus you keep and the amount of plants you provide in your tank. More you planted more number of discus fish you keep harder will be to maintain proper water chemistry. Then you have

Aquarium maintainance for discus fish

Aquarium maintainance for discus fish

One of the most common problems encountered by the aquarist is maintaining a constant pH level. Many hobbyists fail to understand the importance pH plays in the aquarium and what factors influence the pH reading. The Discus is a very sensitive fish. You should be very careful about fluctuating ph in your discus tank. I

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