Before You Buy Discus Fish – 6 Easy Tips You’ll Want to Know

discus fish are incredible creatures. They are beautiful and full of life. If you have been doing any research on discus fish you know just how expensive they can be. I would like to share my 6 tips you should keep in mind before you decide to buy Discus fish. These tips will help you when you’re shopping for a new discus so you will have the knowledge to make an informed decision.

Before you Buy Discus Fish – First Tip- Heath

A Discus which is in good health should look healthy. Signs of an unhealthy fish will most likely consist of the staying on top near the surface, bloated gills and also look for unusual spots or parasite hanging from the fish. Stay away for tanks which have had a DNS label on them. DNS means do not sell and most likely the fish have had disease at one point.

Before you Buy Discus Fish – Second Tip – Alert and Response

This tip is good for checking the alertness and responsiveness of the fish. Have the Breeder or fish keeper feed the fish. If the fish doesn’t take interest in the new food there is usually a sign of unhealthy fish. The fish should take the food or at least show interest in it. If your dealer will not feed the fish because “sir I just feed then” Tell him good bye and find a new store

Before you Buy Discus Fish – Third Tip – Buy an Adult

When you are first learning how to care for discus save yourself some trouble and only concern yourself with adolescent or adult fish. Mature discus are easier to care for and will handle water condition changes better that babies or juveniles’.

Before you Buy Discus Fish – Fourth Tip – Dealer Quarantine

There is a period called quarantine. This is from the time the dealer obtained the fish to the time he decides to sell it. You should ask the dealer how long they have had the fish. Usually they take about 2 weeks to be fully quarantined so they’re not spreading diseases. Make sure the dealer knows if the fish have been subjected to any medicines or if they have been de-wormed. These questions will give you a good back round of the history of the fish.

Before you Buy Discus Fish – Fifth Tip – Eternal Health

It is wise to check out the bottom of the tank because Discus will pass waste on a regular basis. The waste which they pass should be black. Keep an eye out for white looking feces this can indicate an internal problem such as intestinal worms. Leave these fish alone and look for a more healthy set of fish.

Sixth Tip – Aquarium Chemistry

Aquarium chemistry is important when you buy discus fish. Ask the breeder or fish owner what the current water conditions are of the fish you are going to purchase. If your water conditions are way off from the fish owners something has got to be done. If you think the store owner has odd water conditions walk away because obviously they don’t know what they are doing. Water conditions will very a little but before you get your fish home ask the fish owner what they recommend for you to do to acclimate your new discus.

Before You Buy Discus Fish – 6 Easy Tips You’ll Want to Know

Keep these important tips in mind the next time you decide to purchase your brand new discus. This will save you from accidentally buying an unhealthy fish which will die in a couple of weeks.

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