Starting Your Own Backyard Aquaponics

If you are wondering what aquaponics is and what its benefits are, then you are not alone since it is a new farming technology. In simple terms, aquaponics is a system that combines hydroponic or the growing of soilless plants and aquaculture or the growing of fish, into one practice. A completely natural method uses very little water and benefits the environment. Aquaponics makes it possible for farmers to grow fresh vegetables or rear fish in dry regions. Apart from commercial application, the system has become a widespread training aid on integrated bio-systems having high school diploma programs and vocational agriculture classes. Aquaponics uses a very complex technology, which requires the ability to manage production and selling of two separate products at the same time.

For those who desire to practice this system but have a limited space, they can practice backyard aquaponics. Yes, it is possible to start your own aquaponics system right on your backyard. It is easy and one does not need a lot of expertise to set up. The system simply involves creation of method that is ecologically viable to grow both vegetable and fish at home. One begins with the fish and the fish tank. Bacteria are used to break down waste products from the fish into nutrients for the plants. One then uses the water to irrigate the plants. It takes approximately a month before the system can establish itself. The plants use up the nutrients and keep the water clean for the fish.

What You Need To Start

1. A small fish tank to keep your fish
2. A small pump that has a timer, which one will use to circulate the water
3. A waterproof electric cable for the pump
4. A container that is flat at the bottom, for growing vegetables
5. Water pipes that will go to the aquaponics bed
6. An irrigation grid, which one will over the bed to distribute water evenly
7. Gravel to act as a bedding medium

Putting Together the Backyard Aquaponics System

Starting Your Own Backyard Aquaponics

1. Place the fish container on a slightly low level than the aquaponics bed.
2. Use water that has not been chlorinated since chlorine will kill the eco-system bacteria and fish
3. The bed ought to overlap the fish tank, secured on slope that is slightly down to the fish tank.
4. Drill a few holes near the bed’s bottom, where it overlaps the fish container.
5. Fill the gravel into the bed
6. Place the pump in the fish tank securely and fix it there
7. Fit the irrigation grid of the bed
8. Connect the irrigation pipes to the irrigation grid from the pump
9. Time the pump to work fifteen minutes of every hour
10. Switch on the pump and ensure that everything works

One Response to Starting Your Own Backyard Aquaponics

  1. Sandip Ashok Kangutkar says:

    I’m very much interested in this plantation growing in my village place. please advise me where & how can i get technical training.

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