Saltwater Aquarium – Why Have A Quarantine Tank


If you have a saltwater aquarium or even if you are thinking about establishing a saltwater aquarium, you will want to look at establishing a quarantine tank. Here are some valid reasons for putting one of these tanks in your home to support your display aquarium.

What Is A Quarantine Tank

A quarantine tank is just what the name implies, a place to isolate your fish. This is where you put your new and display fish to isolate them from your main saltwater tank. There are several good reasons for why you would want to isolate fish periodically. Here are the reasons you would want to invest in a quarantine tank.

Why Have One

There are several reasons why you should have a quarantine tank. In fact, you should set one up when you establish your display tank because you will use it as you stock your new tank. A quarantine tank is needed because:

    • New Fish- Saltwater fish that you bring home come out of the ocean. So they will be stressed out when because they come from the ocean to the store to your home. You will need to keep them isolated from your display fish so that the new fish do not affect these fish plus allow the new fish to adjust.
    • Sick Fish- Unfortunately you will develop some sick fish no matter how good you maintain your saltwater aquarium. When this occurs you will want to isolate them from your display tank to prevent infecting other fish in you tank. Not only will you prevent the spread of the disease, but you will also be able to treat your sick fish better without affecting the fish in your display tank.
    • Aggressive Fish- You can also use this tank for a time out if you have an aggressive fish. This will give you time to determine what you will need to do with this aggressive fish, such as sell it or try to reintroduce it back into the display tank.
  • Injured Fish- An injured fish will become vulnerable if it is left in the display tank. Having a quarantine tank will allow you to nurse your injured fish back to health.


Saltwater Aquarium – Why Have A Quarantine Tank

Most pros that operate a saltwater aquarium will also keep a quarantine tank to keep new fish that will allow them to recuperate. It also allows the pros a place to isolate and nurse sick and injured fish back to health. They also use this as a place to keep aggressive fish.

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