How to Setup a Tropical Fish Aquarium

A tropical aquarium can attract everyone around and create a very good and a natural environment for any room. Today, I will be providing you with some basic advices to setup a low maintenance aquarium in simple and easy steps.

1. First of all you have to buy an aquarium and a hood or top lid with a light. Usually, it is easier to maintain a large tank than a small one. But, on the other hand the equipment for bigger tanks is also more expensive. If you want an aquarium that is compatible with the size of your home then try to buy an aquarium that is at least 24 inches long, 12 inches high and 12 inches wide. This size will be easy to maintain and will work really well even when placed in a small room. Also, this size of tropical fish aquarium will provide you with enough space for keeping different types of tropical fish. For maintaining your aquarium’s filter, buy a submersible electric filter.

Some other things that you need are:

• Thermometer

• Gravel or sand

• Back picture for the aquarium

• a heater

2. When you first setup your tropical fish aquarium, wash it with warm water and a clean, new cloth. Avoid use of detergent or bleach as it will harm the fish.

3. Now, fill up the tank with water and turn on both, the heater and the filter. Let the tank running for at least two to three days before adding fish. Tropical fish aquarium tanks should have water temperature between 26-27 degrees centigrade.

4. Now you are in a position to add fish to it. I like and also recommend keeping tiger barbs, guppies and neon tetras. Do not put in all the fish at a time. Add them two at a time. Change of habitat might trouble them initially but they’ll get used to it afterwards. Float the fish bag in the aquarium for some time. Then tear a small hole on one side of bag and let them swim out. This will prevent the fish from getting panicked.

How to Setup a Tropical Fish Aquarium

5.Now you are finally don! Enjoy your new, beautiful tropical fish aquarium.

2 Responses to How to Setup a Tropical Fish Aquarium

  1. Rajdeep says:

    Great Article mate! I have eight little fries right now so once they get bigger I will put them in an aquarium

  2. tallya says:

    Great on how to set up but i waslooking for how to decorat and make cool places for them to hide.

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