Daily Archives: October 3, 2011

A Closer Look at the Mosquito Fish (Gambusia Affinis)

A Closer Look at the Mosquito Fish (Gambusia Affinis)

The Mosquito Fish (Gambusia Affinis), is a Livebearer, which means that it gives birth to live free swimming young, rather then laying eggs like most fish. These fish look a lot like the common female guppy, except for the absence of any colour, and this applies to the males too. They also grow to the

Breeding Corydoras

Breeding Corydoras

I am a relatively novice aquarist with a passion for corydoras catfish. About a year ago, we decided to get an aquarium for the house. My partner was going to get Cichlids as he had kept them before. However, I managed to talk him into getting a “community” tank with your normal run of the

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