7 Betta Fish Care Super Hot Tips That Can Save Your Fish

Is all the Betta fish care information you have been finding online not working and your fish are still dull or even dying? Are you tired of going from one “online expert” to another? You are doing everything you have been told but still everything is wrong!

Don’t give up! Help is here. Here is some very solid advice, backed up by Betta fish care experts with more the 20 years of experience.

Here are the 7 Betta Fish Care Super Hot Tips

  1. Size of the tank matters! Don’t let anybody tell you that Betta fish is happy in a very small bowl or tank. Make sure that your tank is close to 5 gallons (20 litre). Also be careful when you place rocks or other objects that they are not sharp enough to rip or tear the fins of your Betta.
  2. Cleanliness of the water is essential. Should be obvious but know this, you should change a quarter of the tanks water twice per week. This helps you keep away infections. When you do this, make sure that you do not put the water straight in from the tap, that is too cold, let it stand(preferably to a room temperature). You also need to make sure that the PH levels in the tank are close to 7.0 so get a PH testing kit at your local pet store. If you get the PH levels wrong, get the temperature wrong or the water gets to dirty you risk killing you Betta fish.
  3. Monitoring the temperature is a must! The ideal temperature is about 82 Fahrenheit (28°C). It’s very vise to have a water heater in the tank. If you don’t have one you should monitor your fish and learn to recognize its behavior. Then you will notice if something is out of the ordinary. If you fish seems lethargic then measure the water temperature. If the water is to cold you fish is probably listless. Buy a submersible water heater, 25-50w to keep a steady temperature. Make sure it it’s NO MORE than 50W if you don’t want to cook your fish.
  4. Get a tank with a lid on it. Your Betta fish likes to jump. Therefore you should have the water level 2-3 inches below the top of the tank. This and the lid should prevent your fish from being able to jump out the tank and die sad and lonely on the counter (or become cat food!). IMPORTANT: Betta fish like to come up for air so you need to make sure that the lid is NOT airtight. Make sure that there are good air holes on the lid. No lid or an air tight lid WILL KILL your fish.
  5. Keep a clean tank. NEVER EVER should you use soap or detergents to clean your tank! DON’T FORGET as this WILL KILL your fish. Just use warm water and a plastic brush to scrub the dirt of rocks and decorations your fish might have. If there is anything stuck to the bottom of the tank, like old food, the just use a pipette or a kitchen baster. This will keep your tank fresh and ensures that it doesn’t smell. Remember; soap and detergent CAN KILL your Betta fish
  6. Good food makes a healthy fish. I recommend that you feed you Betta fish with live food on a regular basis. This will keep your fish happy and it’s great to watch the show as he eats :) Your Betta will love live foods such as shrimps or bloodworms and you should also feed him/her on thinly chopped vegetables carrots, broccoli or soybeans. Good variety is key here and will help your fish live longer.
  7. Think your Betta needs friends? Friends can be ok, but remember that Bettas are Siamese Fighting Fish. So you should NEVER keep other Betta fish in the same tank. Also make sure that you have no mirrors or other shiny surfaces/objects near the tank since your Betta will flare up at the slightest sign of another Betta. Even though it it just his own mirror image. Males of course are much worse in this than females (we do like to fight don’t we?! hehe). I know that putting them together or playing with a mirror can be fun but you are putting unnecessary stress on your Betta and you will decrease it’s life span and cause other problems as well. You can however keep some other species with your Betta, i.e Cory catfish, Platies and Loaches. Remember, two male Betta’s in the same tank will result in one of the getting killed!

Hope that these tips gave you some insight into Betta fish care.

If you have, or want to have Betta fish there is more you should know. For example that Betta fish get sick easily, however with the correct diagnosis and medication this can be easily solved. You have to take good care of the tank and water as well as it can affect you Bettas life time.

Important information: There is a lot of WRONG information out there. When you read something about Betta fish on the internet don’t be so sure right away that it is “good information”. Make sure you read more and more until you have verified the information. Better yet, contact a known breeder to get the best information.

7 Betta Fish Care Super Hot Tips That Can Save Your Fish

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